BackupConfig.cmd - Simple scripts for Backup in Windows using MSDOS

This script prepares the required variables for the backup operation, this file is optional for the process, if it does not exist, the process will use default values. But if it does exist, it needs to be correctly configured.

The configuration file is only called by other scripts; it has no use to be called directly

There are few variables to set:

Path where RAR.exe is stored
set rarPath=C:\Program Files\WinRAR

Drive to backup
set backupDrive=D:\

Drive to sotre restored files
set restoreDrive=D:\

Path where source LST files will be taken in a restore process
set sourceFilesDir=

Max size for rar files, specify KB
set maxRARSize=1000000

Comma separated list of directories to skip, up to 100 exceptions
set exceptions=,Temp,Oracle,app,


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