FTP Uploading files using MSDOS script
Recently I was working in a static Web Site and at the time I need to upload it to the server, I realize there were several files and directories to upload. As I’ve never been a big fan of FTP programs other than the command line provided in each OS, and, instead of searching if there were already a public solution, I started thinking in an automation script to upload the files.
The basic idea of an automation script is to read the contents of a directory, create a commands script for FTP and then execute the generated script. But it also needs to be recursive within internal directories.
As I was working with Windows, the script I created is for MS DOS
The way to call it is:
uploadfiles <Root directory to upload>
Where the given root directory is where the desired files to upload are stored.
Taking a little walkthrough of the script, it works like these:
1. Set working variables and defaults.
set user=<set FTP User>
set pass=<FTP Password>
set site=<site to connect>
set base=<target directory>
set file=<temporary commands file>
2. Next thing to do is to start creating the commands file, some of the used values have been set in step 1
echo user %user% %pass% >> %file%
echo cd %base% >> %file%
echo pwd >> %file%
echo bin >> %file%
echo hash >> %file%
3. The directory processing logic was implemented in a subroutine, we use it to process the root directory
call :processDir . "%workDir%" 0 %file% x
4. Once the directory was processed, we return just to call the FTP to use the commands file and upload all found files.
ftp -n %site% < %file%
The processDir subroutine is called recursively to process all found subdirectories. Once the script is finished, it is intended to work within a FTP session, once in the session if might change directories in remote site, but not in local PC, so the script need to handle all calls to local files as a relative path from where the script was called. This routine works as follows:
1. Local variables are set, from received parameters
set localPath=%~1
set localDir=%~2
set localID=%3
set localFile=%4
set quotes=1
set fullpath=%localPath%\%localDir%
2. For each processed directory, the script assumes that all need to be created
echo mkdir %localDir% >> %localFile%
echo cd %localDir% >> %localFile%
echo pwd >> %localFile%
3. The is finds all the directories of the current one and call itself to process them
FOR /F "usebackq delims==" %%i IN (`dir /b/ad`) do (
if "!localquote!"=="0" call :processDir %fullpath% %%i 1 %localFile% %5x
if "!localquote!"=="1" call :processDir "%fullpath%" "%%i" 1 %localFile% %5x
4. Next step is to process all files form current directory
FOR /F "usebackq delims==" %%i IN (`dir /b/a-d`) do (
if "!localquote!"=="0" (
echo ls %%i >> %localFile%
echo dele %%i >> %localFile%
echo put %fullpath%\%%i >> %localFile%
if "!localquote!"=="1" (
echo ls "%%i" >> %localFile%
echo dele "%%i" >> %localFile%
echo put "%fullpath%\%%i" >> %localFile%
The process is always trying to detect is the files are received with quotes or spaces within its name to make the proper handle, but, I haven’t fully test it for such cases.
Testing the script, let’s say we have the script and the desired directory to upload (web) in d:\temp, we execute it like this:
D:\Temp>uploadFiles.cmd Web
The screen output, in this case, is:
Processing .\Web\Administration
Processing .\Web\bin
Processing .\Web\Controls
Processing .\Web\HtmlTemp
Processing .\Web\Images
Processing .\Web\JS
Processing .\Web
Processing FTP
Having configured the script with these values:
set user=myUser
set pass=myPassword
set site=ftp.mySite.com
set base=/www/
set file=\command.ftp
The created commands file is:
user myUser myPassword
cd /www/
mkdir Administration
cd Administration
ls CountryAccess.aspx
dele CountryAccess.aspx
put .\Web\Administration\CountryAccess.aspx
ls CountryAccess.aspx.cs
dele CountryAccess.aspx.cs
put .\Web\Administration\CountryAccess.aspx.cs
ls CountryAccess.aspx.designer.cs
dele CountryAccess.aspx.designer.cs
put .\Web\Administration\CountryAccess.aspx.designer.cs
mkdir JS
cd JS
ls flash_detect.js
dele flash_detect.js
put .\Web\JS\flash_detect.js
ls GeneralFunctions.js
dele GeneralFunctions.js
put .\Web\JS\GeneralFunctions.js
cd ..
ls Web.config
dele Web.config
put .\Web\Web.config
cd ..
Here you can find a copy of the script in case you want to test it yourself: uploadFiles.zip