Moore's Law
Moore's Law was formulated empirically and states that the number of transistors in a microprocessor doubles every two years, while prices are halved during the same period. Origins The law was proposed by Gordon Moore in April 1965. Moore graduated from CalTech and, in 1968, co-founded Intel . In a microprocessor, transistors are the components that enable the mathematical operations needed for a computer to function. By the early 1970s, microprocessors contained 2,300 transistors. Observing advancements in technology, Moore initially estimated that the number of transistors would double every year, but 10 years later, he adjusted his prediction to every two years. Is Moore’s Law Accurate? Over time, Moore's Law has been monitored and has proven accurate. From the 2,000 transistors processors contained in the early 1970s, by 2017, they had reached 1 billion. Another implication of Moore's Law is that prices decrease by half within this two-year period. This means that ...