
Showing posts from 2024

The story of how I invented Google Maps

This is how I [ almost ] invented Google Maps. The untold story of an application that could have been... I really hate political campaigns. Don't you? TV ads, radio spots, verbal attacks, political dirty war, and recently, even physical attacks (if not worst). But above all, visual and physical pollution all around the city streets . Am I wrong? Maybe it would be different if each political party cleaned the city of posters, garbage and billboards, but it seems not like that... They usually leave all the cleaning responsibility to the mayor in turn. How do they spend their budget? Idea Origins Plato said: our need will be the real creator . Around 1997 there were state elections in Nuevo León, Northern Mexican state ,  and it happened that the city was filled with billboards, posters and other physical publicity. Keep in mind in '97 there were no social networks and advertising was really different. Faced with this problem and as a good Computer’s Engineer as I am, I came up w